By now if you haven’t seen the Roaring 20s quilt, I would be surprised. But in case you haven’t, here’s a peek.

I made this at the request of Studio e Fabrics. They wanted to showcase Pepper Cory’s Peppered Cottons. Peppered Cottons are shot cottons. Shot cottons read like a solid, until they don’t. In the following interview with Pepper she explains why they’re so scrumptious. They’re more than just a solid. I will let her explain.
But more about this quilt. It’s a 6 month block of the month. Each block serves as one month with the binding and backing and assembly instructions on the 6th month.
What I love about this is that it’s not just another half square triangle quilt. It’s so unique. There are many different techniques used in this quilt. You can do handwork, or do it by machine. There are thorough video tutorials in which all of your questions will be answered. But, in case they’re not, we can have a chat right here on this site. Contact me or Pepper and we can answer your questions.
Here’s a link to the video interview.
Contact me through this website or at to get on the list for this fab block of the month.