Well you know we’re all pretty bummed about this Corona virus. And we’re all self quarantining. But that means more time in your sewing room! I decided that if we are going to keep up the morale in this country, it’s up to the quilters! Just hang a quilt outside everyday that we are being quarantined. It can be the same one day after day. Don’t let it get rained on and certainly keep it secure. Don’t put it somewhere out of your sight.
We can hang quilts on porches. We can hang them on lampposts, trees, anywhere! You don’t need a special hanger. Just put them out there. People will go out for a drive just to see if quilts are hanging. People used to go out for drives during the polio epidemic.
Here is the quilt that I hung out yesterday. It’s for #quiltsoutamerica and yet, ironically, it’s a union jack quilt. Oh well. It was fun and I think people appreciated seeing it.

Here’s one that I put out today. I put it on the side of an old barn that is next to our yard.

This quilt is called Split Screens. The pattern will come out this spring in my latest book Sensational Quilts for Scrap Lovers published by C&T Publishing.
Laura Olson, who lives on State Street here in Ripon put out a little quilt.

I actually emailed the editor of our local newspaper. Maybe you can do that too. Ask the newspaper to also make mention that people should start hanging quilts out during the day for people to see. How about doing it in your town? Use the hashtag and put it on Instagram and get this show on the road!