Just when you think that the world has gone to hell in a hand-basket, people do something wonderful. We have gotten so many quilts donated for Ukraine. If there’s anything that I cannot stand, it’s to see people being cold. Well we have made the world a little bit warmer.
We are boxing up the quilts starting today. There have been so many generous donations. One woman came up on a Sunday and I met her at the shop to drop off her quilts. She had made them and brought them all the way from Racine. I have had people send quilts from Washington State, Maryland, Connecticut, New York and Arizona.
One of my favorites is pictured below. This woman doesn’t sew. She brought out her old sewing machine when she heard about our efforts. And look! The quilt she made is wonderful. It will bring joy.

This next one was sent by someone from out of state, and it is beautiful.

People that don’t sew got in on the act too. We have had donations for the cost of shipping. I want to thank everyone involved. Even those that could not do a quilt or send a donation–those people were praying for us. Thankyou. So many people made this a possibility.
We really live in a world where we want to help each other. There have been multiple messages written on the backs of these quilts. People want to communicate their care and concern. It really is a wonderful place to live. It would be even more wonderful if there wasn’t a war. We would have no need to send these things. Quilters always step up to the plate.