Have you ever felt not pretty? Well, physical looks are not important. It’s what is inside that counts. We know for a fact that this is true. But there are just days where you would like that little boost. There are days after you have had a baby and you just feel out of sorts. There are days where you’ve gained a few pounds and you don’t feel right. There are days when you are self conscious, and you just would rather not feel that way. Then there’s just plain modesty. Sometimes you don’t want everything showing when you’re walking through a hotel hallway in your bathing suit.
That’s why I decided to make this swim coverup. Not only is is a swim coverup, but it will double as a robe, or a kaftan that can cover some little shorts and a cami.
It comes in many sizes, and he size I am wearing here is a large. You an see that a large will fit most people. It’s flowy if you’re a small, and will fit well if you’re a large.
I used the Athena Gauze from Robert Kaufman. I made 2 of them and then joined them along the outside edge so that it was lined. So absolutely simple.

Because it’s Athena Gauze it dries in minutes. You certainly could use something much heavier like a rayon or crepe, or a quilting cotton. A batik would be beautiful too.
It’s guaranteed to make you feel pretty. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1559953425/flowy-swimsuit-coverup-or-lightweight?click_key=d88004e96cb8be28cd3a5a14fec3c12756363529%3A1559953425&click_sum=4b526e61&ref=shop_home_active_3